Sunday 10 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Progess

After discussing with Emily about the packaging we decided to go with the other packaging net with shorter height. This is because of the target audience:  
Target Audience
Discerning shoppers looking for a unique
perfume experience. It’s not about age,
but about a mindset (unique, exuberant,

It is not about age but about the mindset of the audience, they no there knowledge and go for quality and a more expensive market. The packaging needs to represent this and the triangle edged packaging wasn't giving the sophisticated look we were after. If the other net was a block shape and made from a good quality stock it will attract this audience.

This is shown through the comments on the brief:

 You need to ensure that your design
retains the quality, craftsmanship and
authenticity that L’Artisan Parfumeur is
known for.
•  Consider how to balance the look
and feel of the range with a variety of
•  How can the packaging evolve
L’Artisan Parfumeur’s brand?
•  Consider if a range name is needed.
•  How is the perfume dispensed?
Step away from traditional perfume
packaging or material conventions if
you wish.

The quality and craftsmanship is key in the design for the brand. This product and packaging will evolve them because it moves them from there classic bottle shape and ideas but takes on the brands traditions and mindset.

In relation to the way the perfume dispensed we instantly just presumed a spray nozzle but referring back to the brief and after doing more research I sourced the idea of a perfume plug stopper where you dab the scent onto your skin. This application is a much more experienced, professional and traditional system which increases the products value as it appears more upper class. This I feel is due to the past where the upper class were the ones who could afford perfumes and the system was to dab the perfume oil onto the skin. The shape being modern  won't make the product seem dated due to this feature but will add to it.

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