Friday 8 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Packaging Development

Me and emily got together and shared what work we had done. We decided on going with the glass bottle as it best represented our concept as it resembled gem like qualities than an all matt on like suggested from the session with ste and luke. This way it looks precious, shows off the edging of the glass and reflects the light creating glimmer and reflections like a gem stone would.

I showed her my packaging nets trails and we discussed what we liked and thought would work best. We liked the hexagon shape in comparison to the boxes as we didn't feel they were special or different enough. We discussed how we could change and alter them to combine factors and how it would work in storing the bottle. We thought the window through to the perfume would look cheap so discarded that. We liked the edging of the hexagon that was made from triangles and the net that was similar edging to our perfume bottle. 

I then took these nets and altered them to suit a perfume bottle. I lengthen the triangles to make room for a bottle to go in and the other one I altered the lid because I wanted the shape to fit across the whole thing rather than a slip in the middle. I cut and folded these but there were a few faults with the templates I had made. There was not enough support to keep the lid down so tabs would need to be added and on the second one the lid didn't fit the right shape and my triangle tabs didn't work was planned.
 I altered them again and cut them out in card to get a more structurally sound box.
I really liked the edging on this net. Its a unique atheistic and would defiantly stand out amongst others in a store. The only problem is to have a space for the branding.

This packaging I feel should be shorter and then would look better as at the moment it seems very dated but I think it has potential once the design would be in place. It incorporates the art deco feel we were going for and would work to stack next to each other of a shelf as it tessellates as well has the space for the information to be placed. 

I feel the other net has a bit more sparkle and interesting features that this 'safer' option so I tried to see if a flat surface could be incorporated in so that. The edge that lies underneath the opening tab wouldn't not work as it is on a corner on the bottom.

 This one could work I hope but the lid would have to change to fit properly as it falls differently to the bottom as the points are at opposite places. If this doesn't work or doesn't look good then an option to be would to use a belly band or sticker strip to contain the information however the sticker would exclude the option of embossing which we wanted to do to add texture and an atheistic of quality.

This is my reworked net with a flat and rectangular front and it worked! I am ridiculously proud that I managed to make it work and partially happy with the results. I feel the tab at the front would be bigger and the logo can we placed there with the branding for the unisex range then underneath on the flat surface. I am unsure yet whether to keep the back how it is or make it the same as the front. I shall confer with my partner about the latest result and get feedback before I move forward with it.

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