Thursday 14 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Design Feature

To make the new packaging more interactive with the audience and incorporate the fun, friendly and cheeky tone of voice the client is after I used the window to my advantage. Instead of cluttering the front and the design with extra imagery or copy I used the window as a reveal so when the product was consumed the fun and friendly image would emerge bound to make any person smile with the unexpected surprise.

This would be applied to all the flavours and ranges. The tongue would adapt by changing colour to the same as the pie to keep the hierarchy on the logo and flavour. The sparkling would have the bubbles on the tongue to enforce the feeling on sparkling water in the mouth.

This will be made possible by a label on the back that holds all the information that is perforated into the shape so when peeled away the mouth is left revealed.

This can be extended to an advertising and viral campaign where the customers have fun taking pictures of there best smile with the bottle.

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