Wednesday 27 March 2013

Design Practice 2: Concept Ideas

In order to think of concept ideas an I wanted to focus on what the exhibitions purpose is and what it needed to exhibit:

What is good about analog cameras?

  • noise
  • look
  • shape
  • print
  • unknowning
  • effect
  • feeling
  • usability
  • memory
Idea of Exhibition: Remind the world what is good about analog cameras!

Campaign style: Advertise its qualities?

Exhibition Idea:
People take pictures of cameras (admiring there form) 
Those photos then create a new exhibition 
- the negatives first - dark room style, lights through negatives
- than prints in an exhibition 

(shows whats good about them - there form and process and the end result)

Participators get to take the print home (or mailed out?)

After having this idea I started to look at other concepts and possibilities for exhibitions.

Concepts for Exhibitions


The good - the photographs

The Original Instagram
Exhibition of photographs taken using analog cameras:
Instagrams biggest users will be given different analog cameras and told to use them to take there photographs. These will be then displayed with the cameras at the exhibit.

  • uses dimensions of different photographs
  • gloss varnishes (like photo paper)
  • photography
  • (message develops in light?)
  • metallic silver vinyl or ink (colour developer converts image in process of developing film)
  • glow in the dark ink? darkroom idea of developing
  • LUMI INK - develops in the sun (mainly used for fabric but possibly paper)
  • negative prints

The good - camera fair (there form)

  • like a carnival 
  • a fair of a all the cameras
    • stripes
    • bright colours
    • circus type
    • balloons
    • toys - toy cameras
    • bunting
  • or like an advertising campaign style 
  • consumer ad - OTT

The good - touching, trying, seeing

People use the cameras to take pictures - interactive
Leads to second exhibition of the results

  • Rustic photo style
  • Vintage

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