Thursday 7 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Packaging Nets

Using the book I found in my research which gave different packaging templates I cut and folded some nets that I thought were possibly appropriate and useable.
 This one has a window which would see through into the perfume bottle, this could be made smaller and could just have window through to the type on the bottle.
 This shape would tessellate as a box and looked simple but effective.
 Again this had a window but also had curved edges, something a little bit different to the usual edge of a box packaging.
 I really liked the edge of this box, its different and stand out. 
 This one simply had the shape but shows if we were to really draw it back and keep it simple what it would be like. I'm not to keep on it as it stands at the moment, its not special enough for the gem concept.
 I chose to try this one for the unusual line that forms the two doors that open, this edge could be altered to the gem cut lines and I think it would be really effective for it to open up to the bottle like a reveal of something precious.
 This one was long but had the hexagon shape, this would be more suitable than the one above which has the hexagon as the face of the packaging. This opens up at the front instead of the top.
 Again the hexagon shape but this time with a lid, little details we will consider when choosing how the audience interact with the packaging.
I different kind of lid  using the shape hexagon shape.
This one I struggled to finish folding but I really liked the edging around the box using the triangles which is like the thinner version I liked.

These are regular box formats which lids have slants which adds a bit of extra detail to a normal lid. Again this could be formed to the gem cut pattern style.
This is a flat hexagon box where the inside flaps overlap to create a nice effect and a hexagon window.
This net I could not work out for the life of me so unfortunately all nets where assemble. 

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