Sunday 3 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Initial Ideas Development

I discussed with emily my research and initial ideas.

This happened:

We both had thought about the idea of shapes fitting together and geometric. Emily had said she was thinking the bottles should fit together and connect and I said about how the gem gave the idea of tessellating shapes fitting together so it looked good, we were both on the same wave length.

We bounced back and forth through ideas and researching as went to see our concept develop.

We looked at French translation for the ideas, translating words connected with gem and the scents themselves.

Gem - gemme
Stone - pierre 
Peral - perle
Jewel - bijou
Jewel yourself - Bijou-vous

Exhilaration - euphorie
Fear - peur
Stormy - orageux

We really liked how the gem concept was forming and translating. The translation was like male and female names and sounded like a really good brand name for the range: 

Gem Stone - pierre gemme

Rubis (ruby) 
Colour - RED
- peace
- friendship
- love
- royalty
- vitality
- passion

èmeraude (emerald)
Colour - GREEN
- rare
- valuable

Saphir (sapphire)
Colour - BLUE
- joy
- faith 
- hope
- protection
- wisdom
- beauty
- initiative 

Diamant (diamond)
Colour - WHITE
- innocence
- constancy
- protection
- power

The shape of gems could also be a simple categorisation of the stones in a silhouette form. 

I thought of how the glass bottles when lit would create the colour spectrum which relates to the colours of the jewels. This could be a thought of advertising for the concept as the colour of the jewels is a selling point and strong characteristics of them as that what give there appearance so strong and special.

Idea 1 -

  • character
  • personality perfume
  • eg. pierre - all named after a person which has the characteristics of the scent
  • Pierre - passionate, raw and physical - physique, attractive, seductive
Idea 2 -
  • different gems
  • names of the stones
  • colours
  • tessellate geometric shapes
  • pattern of cut
Idea 3 -
  • specific piece in times 
  • mémoire - memory
  • temps - time
  • could be named a time of day eg. 6.00
  • after the time the moment was - eg. passionate time - late at night

So far so good! Me and emily seemed to be able to bounce ideas of each other and were able to discuss ideas openly and often agree with one another. If we didn't like a direction we were going eg. the french words of the scent characteristics, then went with the other (the gems) and just built it up with research and more ideas.

We have 3 strong concept routes we can go down, one in particular we have worked on together with a bit more development to clarify it could work.

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