Wednesday 27 March 2013

Design Practice 2: Concept Ideas

In order to think of concept ideas an I wanted to focus on what the exhibitions purpose is and what it needed to exhibit:

What is good about analog cameras?

  • noise
  • look
  • shape
  • print
  • unknowning
  • effect
  • feeling
  • usability
  • memory
Idea of Exhibition: Remind the world what is good about analog cameras!

Campaign style: Advertise its qualities?

Exhibition Idea:
People take pictures of cameras (admiring there form) 
Those photos then create a new exhibition 
- the negatives first - dark room style, lights through negatives
- than prints in an exhibition 

(shows whats good about them - there form and process and the end result)

Participators get to take the print home (or mailed out?)

After having this idea I started to look at other concepts and possibilities for exhibitions.

Concepts for Exhibitions


The good - the photographs

The Original Instagram
Exhibition of photographs taken using analog cameras:
Instagrams biggest users will be given different analog cameras and told to use them to take there photographs. These will be then displayed with the cameras at the exhibit.

  • uses dimensions of different photographs
  • gloss varnishes (like photo paper)
  • photography
  • (message develops in light?)
  • metallic silver vinyl or ink (colour developer converts image in process of developing film)
  • glow in the dark ink? darkroom idea of developing
  • LUMI INK - develops in the sun (mainly used for fabric but possibly paper)
  • negative prints

The good - camera fair (there form)

  • like a carnival 
  • a fair of a all the cameras
    • stripes
    • bright colours
    • circus type
    • balloons
    • toys - toy cameras
    • bunting
  • or like an advertising campaign style 
  • consumer ad - OTT

The good - touching, trying, seeing

People use the cameras to take pictures - interactive
Leads to second exhibition of the results

  • Rustic photo style
  • Vintage

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Design Practice 2: Idea Direction

This is the direction of the What is Good brief produced in a photo album layout. I have decided to go with 'an exhibition of' and therefore broke down my direction in processes, formats and stocks to show my thought process at this time in the resolution of this brief. 

Design Practice 2: Good Presentation Boards

I created my boards to imitate polaroid photographs.

5 words related to my Good 


5 words relating to my target audience

90's generation

Tone of voice 


Possible Outcomes 

Packaging Design
Exhibition branding

Processes That could be possibly used

Screen Printing
Spot varnish 
Develop Negatives

Plan; An Collection of / An Exhibition of

Focus; Branding & Identity / Promotion / Publication

Design Practice 2: Rewritten Brief

An exhibition of analog cameras...

The Brief
Analogue cameras are a thing of beauty but also something of the past. The use of digital technology and phone devices have destroyed the true use of cameras and photography to the point where cameras which use film and produce printed photographs have been lost and forgotten. Inform society on all things good about analog cameras and why they should not be forgotten through an exhibition. Present and persuade the use of the film camera to bring them into every home and childhood once again.

Analog photography is frequently used as a title for those who are keen to work with, or do work with more traditional types of photography; dedicated online communities have been established in which like-minded individuals together share and explore historic photographic practices. Analog photography has in fact become much more popular with younger generations who have become increasingly interested in the traditional photographic practice; sales in film-based cameras began to soar, and youth were seen to embrace some 19th-century technology. Urban Outfitters, a popular clothing chain has picked up on the trend and now offers more than 60 product combinations relating to cameras, most of which are film-based.
Polaroid used to be one of the most popular tools for analog instant photography. Facing the digital revolution, Polaroid stopped production of analog instant film in 2008. A company called Impossible Project acquired Polaroid's production machines in order to produce new instant films for Vintage Polaroid cameras and to revive the analog Polaroid photography technique.

Consider how the exhibit is going to display the different attributes to analog cameras and photography. Think of how innovative design and formats could be used to encourage and persuade the audience into interacting with analog cameras. What kind of design and technology does the audience respond to and use themselves? What could you utilise that is already out there and encouraging analog photography? Consider why people don't use it today and why.

Target Audience
In order to bring back analog photography we need to attract those who do and don't no about it's benefits. Key people to attract are those who used to use analog photography or grew up around it as they will be the ones to persuade back to the technology. The people who aren't familiar need to be persuaded towards it over there current use of digital photography. 

The audience are creative, open minded and sociable. In regards to age it varies from teenagers to 50's but the main focus should be on the teen and young adults as they are the ones who create and respond to trends and technologies most.

Tone of Voice
Due to the nature of the subject and the audience it needs to be engaging through a fun and friendly tone in order to attract the audience to the exhibition.

Final products and proposals for your response to the brief this may include mock ups, final artwork, fully functioning index file andsupporting media, ready for online hosting. 

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Penguin Submission

Thursday 21 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Embossing

We did a bit of embossing using a test piece of plastic. We really liked how the raster created a grain texture on the the paper. The engraved line showed up on the embossing very clearly on this sample. 

We decided that we could try our inner line as a emboss instead of printed.

I created our packaging branding into a jpeg ready to cut on the laser machine.

The cut outs:

I cut out a few different types, changing the weight of font, some with deeper etching and others reversing the space to emboss.

The embossing attempts:

The type didn't show very well at all due it's still thin nature but it still provided a good outer shape and grain texture. Due to the lack of time we went with what we had.

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Submission Boards

Typography: Workshop 5

 Original layout

We had to go around and make one development point each on the spread.
My points:

1.     Expand on image layout and position
2.     Page numbers
3.     Hyphenation on text
4.     Think how the text and images will work in a concertina style booklet

New Idea

I like the new layout of layering the text on the photography. It gave me a new perspective on my layout and how the pages being connected could effect the design and layout. Was also interesting seeing others work and getting to work on that, being more free because your not thinking about it to much.

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Submission Boards

Evidence of Submission:

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Submission Crit

Responsive Submission Boards:

Number of Brief Presented: 7
Is there sufficient actual work presented for the time available - Yes
Is there sufficient evidence of planning and organisation presented - Yes
Is the evidence clearly presented - Yes
Is the evidence appropriate to the briefs - Yes
Is there sufficient evidence of reflection and evaluation - Yes


- Really good mock ups, well presented
- Really professional boards
- Thought about audience well, this shows
- Communicate well to audience 
- Nice range of products for the book brief

Areas for Improvement:

- Less text on the boards (need key information)
- Would be good to see the full range of processes for the cards

Additional Comments:

- We think the 'The Bath Pig' is the most successful, really professional, well done!

Actions Required:

- Look over the Feel Good brief a little bit more as you said this was rushed
- Less text on Boards


I agree about text on boards as I tried to provide all the information for the submission on the boards and didn't present the brief submission boards. This will be more spread and selective when transferred to my project report.

I didn't state that the Feel Good brief was rushed but that it was a quick turnaround brief. However my comment on sketching and designing before digital maybe suggests I was rushing. I may go back and revisit this brief to mock up the labels on bottles to photograph.

I spoke to them about the comment on range of processes in relation to the Uk Greetings brief and it was just they hadn't read my board properly and thought there were other parts to the pack that weren't visualised. 

Things I've learnt:

- Time management 
- Professional presentation
- Answering a brief requirements
- Do and don't like doing
- Areas of graphics like
- Collaborate as a pair
- Articulate yourself
- Pitch ideas
- Competition

Monday 18 March 2013

Design Practice 2: Research Booklet

I created my research booklet at 6 by 4 to reflect the printed photograph format. These would be stacked in a photo wallet similar to the ones that photos are given to when customers get a film printed. The different pages show the extent of areas of research into analog photography I have sourced. I have looked at cameras themselves and there brands and marketing, past and present, as well as the development of analogue to digital and the social impact this has had.


  1. Layout and visual style relevant to content and is displayed clearly good amount of content
  2. Good consistent design throughout - I love circles
  3. Could come in a photo album - develop format further
  4. Good idea about photo pouch, could be pushed, have it in the shape of a camera
  5. Consistent layout, like the digital typeface, remind of old retro camera screens, like the imagery capture in a circle
  6. Like the camera references throughout but would like to see a more engaging way of production
  7. Breakdown of subject is good throughout publication, clear layout and easy to read
  8. Format is relevant to content, layout works well
  9. Would be cool if you photographed it with polaroid camera and had the polaroids as the publication
  10. Love the simplistic layout, not to much information, easy to digest, love the consistency circle imagery
My feedback over all is good and that my layout and information is clear, easy to digest and appropriate which is ideal for a research booklet. I didn't really show my format to it's full potential and this may of therefore suffered in it's presentation and not be communicated. However my finish research book will be more appropriate and clear in format.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Batitse Point of Sale

I wanted my point of sale displays to incorporate the concept of the products in its format and design.
I decided to use a light box as it would glow through the white in particular and therefore be the closed to sparkle you could get without getting messy with actual glitter.

A single product lightbox:
The collection lightbox:
Hair demos for online videos:

Point of sale display in store:

Originally I had a rectangular back and bottom and a vac formed box for the stacked products to fit into.

I thought how could I push this idea further into the concept and make it work harder making it stand out more. I went with the cosmic theme more and used the ring display front as inspiration to use the circular motion.

I tried this on the back board first to see how it would look and if it would work. I liked the difference of the shape as it pushed the cosmic concept further and part of the display rather than just the design.

I repeated the same shape for the bottom in the black for the vac formed box to sit on top off. I put the rectangle back with the new shape so it fitted the stack of bottles better as before it seemed bit off and placed wrong.