Thursday 16 May 2013

Design Practice 2: Publication Development

For the page about getting your prints from online I originally had 24hr on the tracing paper as the processing time is usually used in the promotion of printing. However as the pouch was a mail shot I thought it would be a lot more interesting if the tracing paper had an illustrated mailbox to highlight the fact it would be posted out to them.

For the middle page I wanted to use a large analogue photograph as I already had all the information in the exhibition and the information wouldn't work on the double spread as the tracing paper would be across both sides. Therefore I wanted to fill it with an example of the photography to show of the results. I used one of my own photos and one that features later in the book. I tried in colour and black and white as I didn't no wether to keep the black and white running throughout but decided on colour as I wanted to show how good the quality of colour can be.

To keep the tracing overlay and illustrates carry on and also to make the spread more interesting I took photos of myself holding my camera as if I was taking a picture. I then drew over it.

This is how it would look overlaid layout wise.

When I went to print there was a problem as when renumbering the pages using an A master page it meant the it started it from 1 on the 9th page and this confused indesign when paginating and printing. I had to get rid of the numbering and have it start at 9 on the 9th page and now that the total amount was 40 instead of 32 due to the change in numbering my middle spread wasn't in the right place. I had to add another 4 pages to make it work and have all the pages fall in the correct places in order to have the tracing paper sheets correct. Therefore I added a farewell paragraph thanking for the participation as the publication is a handout to aid there time at the exhibition. It also pointed them in the direction of the website and how they could continue using analogue photography. Again I wanted to continue the tracing paper and i didn't want it to be blank so I put the logo on it laying it out so that the circle circled the website.

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