Saturday 11 May 2013

Design Practice 2: Poster Development

The poster I wanted to print on acetate as film negatives are clear and I wanted the lens to be cut out of the photo so depending on the context of the poster would determine what it would be 'snapping'. 
I found it difficult to make the text readable on the photograph though.

I then changed the poster to landscape as there was a lighter area where the text would be more legible.

I had thought of doing designs using film negatives in my initial ideas therefore I thought of a series of posters which would explain the exhibition like a film strip printed on clear vinyl would work well for the windows of the exhibition space in the build up to it starting.

This is the imagery

The first one the box is clear and shows through into the exhibition space and then the next is the photo thats used throughout the promotional material and then the third is a pile of photos to represent the results at the end of the week.

I put the exhibition photo with a low opacity to show how it would look through into the gallery.

The bright pink and typeface would be over the top of the black and white imagery with short phrases explaining each phrase.

For the fourth and final poster I did two versions one with my digital mock up and one with my print. I decided to use my digital as I didn't have my pouch printed properly as it was getting printed at the same time as the poster and the Digital gave a nicer finish image.

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