Tuesday 14 May 2013

Design Practice 2: Website Development

I mocked up my website to propose what it would look like and how it would work. I used my design sketches as a basis and only little alterations had to be made when recreated digitally.

The homepage features a slideshow which shows the process of how the exhibition works and goes to the right. The links when hovered over turn the logo spot colour.

On each day page features the photos from that day. I decided to do the Diana f+ day as an example of how it would be laid out as the photos would be easy to find photos taken on that camera. I used general photos as I obviously don't have photos like ones that would be taken at the exhibition.

I struggled to lay out the information as there was more body copy than I had thought so I tried numerous spacing and layout ideas.

When I was reasonably happy it still didn't look right so I changed the printer to black like the camera and altered the weight so it worked better.

Although I still wasn't completely with how it looked and I realised it was properly because one was a hand illustrated image and the other was a sharp perfect image. Therefore I did a hand illustrated printer.

I still wasn't entirely happy as I thought about it I realised that it was the printer itself as the whole idea is that it's analogue prints. Because of this I then did a tray and hanging photos to represent a dark room in which the photo would be developed.

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