Saturday 4 May 2013

Design Practice 2: How to.. Concept Development

I started drawing out some visuals and initial ideas to see how they could be developed further into a concept or a stand out visual poster.

It was at this point I thought of doing something different with the use of media to make the poster stand out. I wanted to stitch the poster and create a mainly typographic approach with the stitch possibly reflecting what the text is saying. I went with the 'between studios' as this stood out to me as it focused on the environment and location. I also felt that it would work well atheistically with stitching as the lines of stitching could represent the 'between' aspect.
I tried this and it ended up making letters eligible so I began to think of other stitching methods which could demonstrate this.

Using die cut of words and loose thread behind to represent the creative space of the studios and the gap stitching of space to represent a vacant area.
I created a neater version for the crit trying to demonstrate how the stitch would look as as a sketch it didn't look that intriguing. 
I decided to think of other concepts to focus on which could be stitched also. I felt conversation was a major aspect as not only does various forms of conversation happen in the area but also the work would cause conversation.

Further idea development:
 Drafting of typographic ideas:
I brought 3 different concepts with 2 ideas to each one.

Crit Feedback:

'Between Studios' is a really good name, works well as a concept - could be applied to a range of posters, a series

Good idea to explore different typography methods aside from printing. Hand stitched would look really good showing different crafts within graphic design.

Propaganda style poster good idea - link to old, vintage graphic design posters

'Thinking Spot' - interactive good idea - it becomes a talking point, gets people involved and interested, makes the space itself interactive not just the poster

Between the lines makes nice visually imagery -

Good how you'd consider the frame as a format and what you can do with it

I'm for the thinking spot idea - could be funny and informative, maybe relive some first day new nervousness and social awkwardness

Love the pointing down posters idea, using the environment and surrounding effectively

'What you got?' - trade marks / design / lunch / time - fun to play around with your questions
Conversation are great concept - communicating with audience and designers

The interactive feel of the arrow posters is really good, people will engage with you're posters, they won't just be something on the wall that people ignore. The tactical feel of the sewing process would be very unique and different, it will stand out.

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