Thursday 22 March 2012

Stamp it! - Print

I did a practice print test of the stamps to see if they were clear enough as small scale. I also altered them slightly to see what i preferred e.g. the scale of the queens head, the image colour and the thickness of the react line
I also printed the cover

I didn't like how the colours had come out. The pattern looked pinky and the text was far to brown. This led to me changing these before my final print

I did like the overall layout I had produced though 
New altered colour scheme
I also changed the box around the front text as the stamps were portrait rectangles and not squares like it originally was.
I also changed the stamps to having white images as it was originally what i wanted but i wasn't sure it would be clear enough. Once test printing i could see it was so decided to keep it as that.
I added a background pattern using the recycle icon to the section behind the stamp so in a fully functioning packet the user would peel off the stamp and reveal the pattern behind.

I decided for my stock to use sugar paper, it was the right tone and a good texture for my concept.

Stamps printed on stock

Outside and inside of first day cover

Example of the stamps in place on the stock

I got my stamps printed and cut out on vinyl paper to make them as a sticker like real stamps

The first day cover put together

Stamps cut out

In place within the cover

In use
I put the stamps on envelopes to see how they looked and to also show the design of the 'reduce' stamp which actually has a negative space relieved once peeled.

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