Monday 26 March 2012

Interim Evaluation

Evaluate the problems that you identified and had to resolve within the brief

Hotdog Booklet: Problem I identified in this brief is that my initial  design required the laser cutter which i had not been induced on and my hand wasn't accurate enough with the scalpel to cut out such a quantity of circles. Resolving this I redesigned my idea to which it still involved stitching and buttons but was possible in the time and of quality.

Proverbially Yours Message and Interpretation: Problem I identified in this brief was the colour limit of two colours plus stock but i resolved this by adapting the design and printed on yellow stock. This improved my design visually and kept within the brief guidelines.

PPP Partner Dps: Problem I identified in this brief was that indesign requires images of a certain resolution and need to be scaled to size which limited my design ideas as i could use images off the internet. I resolved this issues by scaling the images to size before i placed them within indesign and using images i made on illustrator and photoshop instead of internet generated images so it didn't effect printing.

Evaluate the key considerations that you had to take into account when investigating this brief

Stamp It: I had to take into consideration the size of the stamp when investigating the imagery i wanted to use for this brief.

100 things..: I had to take into consideration that the topic had be something i was interested in and could look deeply into for a long period of time.

CoP Essay: I had to take into consideration the reliability of the sources i was looking at when researching about my chosen topic. 

Evaluate the research activities that you had to undertake in order to resolve the brief

What is a line?: I had to undergo an eye test in order see what paperwork you received in getting a prescription as they wouldn't give it out without one. This helped me resolve my brief as i knew what format and information i needed to involve to be appropriate to my idea.

How to buy an engagement ring: I had to ask people about there personal experiences and troubles with buying an engagement ring. This helped me solve the brief by realising the market we were trying to research and what people struggled with giving us the information we needed to include.

Evaluate the examples of secondary research that informed your design decisions 

Communication is a virus: We had to take into consideration the size of the twitter display picture for our logo as it had to be visible and clear in that small space therefore we had to research into twitter pages.

What is a line: From my secondary research i saw trends within aztec patterns and this informed my design decisions when producing my own from glasses imagery.

100 things: My secondary research into locations in which people read and the connection between having a coffee and a reading a book was prime to my design decisions in what formats where most appropriate.

Evaluate the examples of practical research that informed your resolution

What is a line: As stated above my practical research of having an eye test informed part of my resolution for this brief as it created a suitable set of formats i could work with.

Alphabet soup: My practical research in the form of an interview with my partner informed my solution as it gave me an insight into my partners personality that i could then apply to the typeface in order for it to reflect her as a person

Evaluate the breadth of initial ideas that you generated in response to the brief

Format and Grid: I generated two pages of design ideas for this brief and i feel there is a reasonable breadth of ideas within those however i feel i could of possibly researched into more layouts to vary my designs even more.

Design Principles Circles Hotdog booklet: Looking back i feel my initial ideas do have a breadth and are very varied as i thought of different routes i could down for circles and felt the brief was very open and therefore thought of different processes i could use rather than just print.

Evaluate the breadth of visual investigation that you explored before deciding on your design direction

Proverbially Yours Message and Delivery: I looked at a range of visuals including images, type, costumes, mail shots and nets before i decided on my final design direction. This allowed me to go into the right direction for the brief and stay within the guidelines given because id explored a variety of options visually.

Design if about doing: For this brief  i looked at breadth of visuals as i didn't no what direction to take including poster design, photography, famous imagery, famous film scenes and then after getting an idea i liked and thought could be visually different i then furthered my visual investigation by looking into visuals for that idea before deciding on appropriate material, layout, imagery and type to suit the design direction i wanted to follow.

Stimulated Approach
I began with this brief by formulating a various set of research including visuals and information as the topic being environmental needed research to formulate a strong concept. As a starting point i used the ideas from the brief on environmental factors and then stemmed onto my own looking at symbols, facts and stamp design.

Intuitive Approach
This approach came within my design direction from categorising my research into sections and forming ideas for the different areas and using my intuition to focus on something in particular which i thought had the best concept and i saw best visually once i had drawn out some ideas. I feel this subconscious nature also came when choosing layout, colours and appropriate symbols and imagery to use.

Systematic Approach
This came when i designing on illustrator as i rescaled in enlarging my designs, rearranging the visuals, structuring a grid to create a layout for a all the designs, extracting and combining visuals to get the visual i wanted and reproducing the stamps across the set.

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