Friday 2 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: Crit Feedback

We pitched our idea of leaving cards with the logo and details on to our blog/address in which people can then contact us by with there truths on a postcard. We told them our target audience had changed from being the general public to a more specific audience of business people due to them being stressed and often gavin to lie within there work. We thought they were a really good audience to target as they either have to lie in there profession or lie about how they feel due to disliking bosses or holding back about moaning for things because of fear of loosing there job. The crit agreed that this was a good market to hit. We weren't entirely sure of appropriate products as the majority of the group really wanted to brand a whole thing coming up with a variety of products such as journal, envelopes, postcards, business cards, blog etcetc.

Our crit was extremely useful and they really liked our idea. The only problem they had was that it was to close to the original PostSecret and therefore we should stem off the postcard idea and go to a different and immediate way of getting it going due to timescale. This led to us thinking less postcard and more business card style as that was more connected to our audience. Then we thought immediacy and instantly thought of online which led us to Twitter, a place where people can instantly connect with and contact to get it off there chest immediately. This fitted perfectly with our idea and was defiantly more appropriate than such things as  journal due to fact that people weren't going to wait to write it down and it doesn't actually share with anyone else. Twitter was an instant way to tell the truth of what someone felt, was quick, easy and already used my many. Plus business people are all about technology and social networking. It was also mentioned in the crit that the audience is so varied as many different ages have jobs that could moan about.

Outside the crit we wrote down our final idea.

Audience: Business people - professionals - office people

Environment: Bars - high end
                     Lunch local cafes - go to get there lunch - coffee places 
                     Street - hand them out to people in suits etc.
                     Car windows - go into business car parks and place on car windows

Base: Twitter account - hash tag us or personal message to be anonymous - we can post questions of the day eg. Whats annoyed you at work?

Products: Business cards - leave in bars/cafes etc can take away with them - best form of contact for target audience
               A6 leaflet - in cafes - read as they get/eat there lunch - contain more info - can go straight to the twitter from the barcode during lunch 
               Twitter account - location of all the truths
               Stickers - contain barcode or logo - make it viral - see it everywhere - lampposts etc

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