Sunday 4 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: Name Process

I started off by looking at alternative words to business and truth alongside each other to see if any could be pair or were similar across both.
Then i started just playing around what came into my head about the concept, what it was aiming to achieve, how it would be used, trying acronyms or linked objects to the audience etc.

Keeping in contact online discussing names over the weekend, just some of the conversation:

Drawing out some ideas

Trying Typefaces

I started incorporating blue as its known for showing trust 

I like this but i think it looks to sporty
changing the colour
adding lines

this is horrible and is just removing from the simplicity it needs to have so i've gone back to the beginning

I'm going to show this to the group tomorrow and see what they think and then we can decide on a final brand identity and print.

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