Monday 5 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: Logo Development

I wanted to bring out the fact there are t's in the hashtag symbol more so i highlighted this by changing this colour.

We met as a group in studio 3 and showed each other our designs that we'd done from the weekend. We discussed possibilities, what we liked, what is most suitable for the different formats, colours etc.

Groups ideas:

 Abbas pointed out that twitter thumbnails for the profile picture is rather small so it must be suitable for that. We stayed together made a hotmail and twitter account we can all use to get the ball rolling.( I liked how Abbas used geometric shapes to frame the name so i tried it with my designs:

As a group we discussed colours to use and blue and yellow were the two favourites as blue was connected with trust (sourced from the research i did on business cards) and yellow was bright and stands out from other cards and attracts the eye. Therefore i tried my design with those colours and the group liked it.

Altered the colour slightly

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