Monday 19 March 2012

Stamp it! - Design ideas

I wrote up bits of research and information i had sourced to help me categorise and find ideas

From this then made a sheet of ideas i had got from the different bits of research

From the crit i didn't get much response as i hadn't had much inspiration up to that point on this brief
1. select focal point
2. produce more visuals - lots of notes
3. categorise information: find concept

I understand what i got from the crit and knew i needed to draw out my ideas

Putting it into visual ideas in stamp form

Some ideas i liked more than others and i thought better especially as a set and could be spread across 4-6 stamp designs whereas some where just one good idea.

I chose the different bits i thought worked well and then created a range of these for my final designs.
I liked the RE. in the words as it stood for reply within letters and messages and thought i could use this as reduce, reuse and recycle all started with it. From this i looked for other words related that began with 'RE':
rewards, reaccess, remember, regenerate, rebuild, reap, recommend, ready, reflect, reach. It could be simple , bold and clear to see on small scale.

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