Thursday 1 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: Idea

We got together today and discussed development. The guys thought the best option was conspiracy theories and convincing the government to stop lying by sending them a manifesto. I pointed out that why would the government suddenly act and completely change and effectively destroy what they've said through being sent something by us. This then changed into sending it out to the public and telling them the conspiracies in order to act upon them and with strength in numbers ask the government to change and tell the truth. However within this there were flaws such as how do we know what is the truth between conspiracy and what we are told? We don't actually no whats true. Also its possibly causing a riot and is quite a serious topic when we were briefed for this to be light hearted and not researched based. The majority of the group did like this idea though and visually it could be strong just serious. As i felt it didn't completely answer the brief we looked at other options to consider before completely settling on that one idea.
Me and Nigel looked at ideas and brainstormed. Here we thought of situations in which people lie and caught out such as pretending to be on the phone to avoid someone and then the phone ringing in front of them. We thought of truth or dare for this as to tell the truth or dare to lie and get caught. We then looked at the brief to answer the questions to be considered but we found some of these difficult like what context or format would be suitable and could really see it visually being strong. We then looked at truth quotes i had researched previously as there were so many. A few were very good, appropriate and could be useful however again we didn't really no how this would encourage people and what format it could communicate well in enough to have a positive reaction.

 We then thought of a new idea, Postsecret! PostSecret is when people decorate a postcard with there own secret and mail to an address. I saw this as getting something off your chest and telling the truth. This ticked all the question boxes and got rid of our problems that we'd considered in getting people to tell the truth as it would encourage people to do it without hurting anyone.
For example we thought people aren't going to suddenly to tell people there outfit looks bad instead of 'oh no it looks fine'. It's a way people can tell the truth without the nasty consequences and gets people to be creative. Not only that but its healthy to share stuff that's a problem or on your mind as some of the secrets are serious as well as humorous or naughty. This way people don't feel alone and can find common ground with people with similar secrets. The actual PostSecret has teamed up with the Suicide Hotline to help people in need.
 We thought how this could be communicated out in the environment. One idea was to put A6 cards in random locations like coffee shops, mailboxes of accommodations, books etc which one side could have a secret to intrigue them or a short phrase about telling the truth possibly and on the reverse side the address and website. We went through the questions to be considered from the brief and it all made sense.
We then showed this to the rest of the group and they seems pretty positive about it as an idea and suggested we make our own type of system instead of relating it to PostSecret so we could brand our own thing. 

We are now going to create our 3 A3 boards for the two ideas and go into the crit tomorrow to see which would work best and develop.

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