Friday 23 March 2012

Stamp it! - Crit

When i had my crit it was pointed out that they weren't very readable as some of them were actual words such as cycle and act and others weren't e.g. duce. It was suggested that i could create a double meaning with those with words as it could be appropriate to the subject and as it stood the visuals didn't communicate what they were supposed to say. I was to think about what i wanted to say and also look at the abbreviation for RE wether it was a full stop or colon.

I tried creating a colon with the recycling symbol as i had originally done as a full stop

i didn't think it worked so changed it to a regular one and placed the icon within the counter of the R

i decided to show what i meant by reuse and the envelope by showing that people can reuse there old envelopes 

i changed the arrow so it communicated it more clearly

for react it was said that they didn't even notice it was an off symbol so i decided to use a more obvious symbol of the light bulb and put the off icon inside - this wasn't visible enough so i decided to make it larger inside
for the double meaning i wasn't sure how to incorporate it but then i thought of people acting for the environment through protest for example for city lights to be turned off

i didn't like how these visuals were placed or looked, i don't think they made sense

i decided to change the bin to a recycle bin to communicate that you should remember to recycle what your throwing away, tilting the 'R' into the rubbish and added two people together almost doing a high five to suggest you become a member of the community in doing so

playing with the colour and positioning of the visuals

i changed the envelope so that there was a continuousness through the stamps of something being good for the environment, i don't like how the colour is with the background however and it pulls away from it being the same envelope as the other visual

i added an arrow from the can to the bike and changed the colour of it to the bike frame to show that it transforms from one object to the other

i changed the envelope back to white to in force its the same one, i don't like the react stamp as i don't feel it communicates well and the two visuals don't connect for the double meaning where as the others do

i changed it to a light bulb which is on to show that people should react to lights on by turning them off

I also created a first day cover packet which i had got confused as to what it was

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