Thursday 21 February 2013

Typography: Workshop 2

Van De Graaf
Secret canon - divide a page into pleasing proportions. 
Symmetrical and asymmetrical layouts
Works with any page width:height ratio

Draw and x across the pages
Bottom right hand to the middle
Draw straight up and across to the intersecting point
Creates a bowtie

Use it to draw your boxes for proportion of your pages.
Proportions enable your hands to on the white space without covering text up.

Column width - based on legibility
Type area light and open
Should be 7 words per line for a text of any length
Rhythm of reading

The canon with dividing grid lines.
Tip: Drag the rules to a new point to start it from zero, place a guide at the bottom and in the measurement put /2 and it will divide it by 2 - can divide it by any number
 My grid layout
 Use of grid

I didn't like the camera image being in the middle so I put to the left margin edge instead.

 I felt there was to much white space at the bottom so I put the text into two columns instead of three.

Full proportions:

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