Tuesday 12 February 2013

Design Practice 2 - What is Good workshop

We had to list 5 things that we think are good:

5 things that are good - why?

  1. cup of tea and bacon sandwich in the morning - because it wakes me up and tastes delicious
  2. running into the sea after sunbathing - because it cools you down and you get a tan
  3. sleeping in and snugging  in a duvet - because bed is comfy and warm and sleep feels good
  4. spooning - because you share body heat and its comforting
  5. sitting on the sofa with the pooch - because its rare and nice to be with family
  6. when you paint your nails within your nail - because its such an accomplishment
  7. when you spell a big word right the first time - best feeling in the world, feel like a brain box
  8. buying a new pair of lush shoes - joy of owning such beauties
  9. cold beer on a hot summers day (or pimms) - super refreshing 

As a group we shared our goods and made list of 10 we could agree on. It was hard because everyone is different so it was more general than specific.

10 things are good (group):

  1. Food - satisfying experience
  2. Finding New Places - discovery
  3. New Shoes - comfort
  4. Hot Morning Beverages - wakes you up
  5. Music - helps you unkind/motivational
  6. Bed - warm and relaxing
  7. Family - comforting
  8. Andys Mum (L.Foster)
  9. Films - entertainment
  10. Pets - emotional connection/bonding
  11. Cuddles - warm and cosy
  12. A big drink of water when your thirsty - satisfaction
They got past on to another table which were told to list the bads about the likes. This took half the time it did for the groups to create the goods. It shows how quick people can criticise and find faults in things. When your designing your designing for a specific audience and no everyone will agree on it.

10 things are bad about the good:
  1. America
  2. They get ruined by tourism 
  3. Uncomfortable and you have to break them in
  4. Burn your mouth, too much caffeine makes you crazy,
  5. Justin Bieber
  6. When you cant fall asleep, getting trapped in your duvet
  7. Arguments/ incest
  8. She gave birth to andy
  9. 3D films and films that are based on vampires or tween stars
  10. Fleas, heartbreak because they die, allergies
  11. Invasion of personal space
  12. Choking, sensitive teeth, boring, water is tasteless 

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