Tuesday 5 February 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Submission Development

I started designing the back cover of the book with the copy provided. I didn't like the title text for the body copy as it was all capitals which is difficult to read especially or a child. I therefore changed it to a serif typeface as it is traditional, classic and also a better typeface for body copy as its legible to read.

As the penguin brief requests that the design be to the measurements and template provided showing the front, back and spine design I extended the front cover design I had designed. This changed the position of the text as the barcode and price information was in the way.
 I changed the barcode to suit the colour scheme
 I tried bringing the body copy together and shortening the tree growth as I felt the top quote was to separate from the other text.
I changed the barcode to opposite colours so that it was easier to focus and read. I added the title and author on the spine as requested and placed it the correct way up instead of horizontal as I felt it fitted well and would work nicely with the rest of the set if the spines read the right way.
 I changed the vines back to the same length so its consistent across the whole spread.
I'm going to print it to test the font pt size and the legibility. 

I thinned the body text more and started it higher so it fitted within the greenery. This closes the gap between the top writing and the rest of the text.

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