Tuesday 12 February 2013

Design Practice 2 - What is Good? - Workshop 1

To find my good I brainstormed my likes:

- odd sock
- aztec pattern
- top buttons
- chess
- chewing gum
- crossed legs
- sewing

I came to the realisation from a little help from Lorraine that my initial goods all had a similar theme within them. They were all specific moments in time that were perfect to me. This really made a connection with me as I hoard everything and have such a thing about memories and the past with objects. This led to the idea of nostalgia.


- sentimental longing for past
- smell and touch
- sensations 
- bittersweet
- objects
- moments in time
- comfort and feel good
- perfect moments
- small bits of joy

Moments in Time:
  1. cherish them 
  2. sensation of senses - touch, smell, see
  3. joyful
  4. photographs capture them
  5. the feeling
This wasn't specific enough so I looked at the element of 'small joys' and 'small':

Small -

needle eye
'its the small things'

Small Joys - 

cinema tickets
dunking biscuit in tea
hold the door open - random acts of kindness
nice paper
fresh painted nails
sun on your face

Random Acts of Kindness:
I looked at random acts of kindness and found some interesting research on organisations and ways to educate and conduct kindness. I didn't really find it stimulating and wasn't excited by the topic.

This led me to look back at what I had been thinking out before.

Film Photography:

  1. It captures a moment in time on film
  2. Brings back memories and feelings of the moment
  3. You can take a picture of anything 
  4. Gives excitement
  5. It is a keepsake and is pasted down on generations
  6. It's  a surprise what comes out of the film
  7. Can be blown up from any size without effecting the resolution
  8. Physical copy of image
  9. Tells the truth - no photoshop
  10. Can handle bumps and drops better
  1. Impractical
  2. Can't delete photos
  3. Can't know wether you got a good shot or not
  4. Costly buying film and getting prints
  5. Less settings to get the right photo in different circumstances
  6. Heavier cameras and bigger in size to carry round
  7. Unless you have a darkroom, you are dependent on the lab to edit your images
  8. Deteriorate over time
  9. Photos might not come out at all
  10. Limited amount of photos the roll can take

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