Thursday 14 February 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Creative Partners Workshop

Our Contract: 

Combining our lists and coming up with a final list of our similarities and differences.

  1. time management
  2. contribution
  3. strong concept
  4. creativity
  5. winning
  6. different design interests
  7. focussing on creative interests
  8. specific roles
  9. motivation/enthusiasm 
  10. product range

  1. styles
  2. thought process
  3. research
  4. strengths
  5. weaknesses
  6. insight on the brief
  7. organisation skills
  9. dislikes
  10. skills in software and craft
  • Learning new skill set
  • Use your partners skills
  • Concepts ideas from two perspectives
  • You can blame someone else
  • Confidence to take risks
  • Personal and professional integrity
  • Shared responsibility
  • Shared work load
  • Disagreements 
  • Design decisions - different styles
  • Budgets - how much money to spend
  • Workload in brief - broader of practice
  • Compromises
  • Communication
Small Discussion:

We had a small discussion to what came to mind visually when we read the scent descriptions and ideas that came to mind. They seemed like characteristics of a moment that connected a lot with emotions and sense. I quickly sketched what we were discussing and how I saw the bottles on first instinct. 

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