Tuesday 5 February 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Extended Products

Possible other products to expand to:
- Carrier bag
- Kindle cover - show the ebook option
- Bookmark
- Book ends
- Night light
- Pillow

From the ideas of expanding the design to other products and formats I decided to focus on one of the stories and show it across a range instead of doing all the stories across one product. This shows the greater variate of the design.

Using an image I sourced from google I created the bookmark. The idea of the bookmark is that the character comes out of the spine and stands out amongst books on the book shelve. It would come with the book so each book had a characteristic bookmark. It will be the colour of book and will hold the place in the story whilst the child reads it at bed time.

I rounded off both corners as being for children it needs to be safe.
Carrier Bag:
This will be a paper carrier bag in which the books are sold in and promoted with bookstores.


I did a mini mock up of a bag template I made up based on the measurements of the book size to see how it would fold at the bottom.

I decided to look at a shopping bag to see what details make it a nice and professional carrier.




This Toast bag is made from reasonably thick brown paper with cardboard applied at the bottom and around the top of the front and back to add support and make it more sturdy. It has fold creases in the sides and on the back so the bag can be flat packed for distribution and storage. The bag folds over in the top and holds card within to make it more free stand and the handles are plaited string. I took out the bottom card inside the bag to see how it is held together at the bottom.

Designing the Bag:

The typeface didn't work very well for the quote as it was all capitals and quite wide. I therefore found a font with similar characteristics and fitted with the story but that was more long and had lowercase. I added the stars and Tinkerbell to add a bit more detail and a magical quality to the imagery to reflect what the quote was saying about pixie dust.


It came to my attention that the Peter Pan from the bookmark was a lot detailed the character images I had used for the cover as they were small. This led to me changing them to a sharper edged version which I transferred across to the book to in order to keep consistency.


The pillow brings in the bedtime element of childhood where the classic would be most likely read. This product shows how the range incorporates the intregal part of childhood with reading the classic stories. It's a nice addition to the range which follows through the theme going into interior decoration and the tale being a child treasures.


Wall Sticker:

For the wall sticker I had ideas of using the same flying characters as its an enchanting scene for children but also the part of the tale of Peter Pans shadow across the wall which would be quite appropriate for this product. I decided to doing the flying scene as it's more imaginative for children and the shadow may be a bit scary for a young child. It will be cut out on black vinyl paper which when shined a light on reflects gold.
Example of the sticker on the wall


The lampshade is another addition to the interior decor of the child's bedroom. It will act as a nightlight for the child for story time at bed time. The image of the characters flying will be printed on the lampshade and the stars cut out of the fabric to allow light to flood through and print the stars onto the walls to make it enchanting and peaceful at bed time.


Flat image

I took a plain image of a lampshade and warped the image of the characters across it to get the circular look. The stars I erased out of the lampshade image and then layered it over the top of a shining lightbulb.

To show how the stars would print onto the walls I put the same stars on the wall and over laid them so you could see a mock up of how it would appear in context.

Kindle Cover:

The kindle cover shows how the design adapts to the ebook version to.
This shows the book cover on the new colour kindle screen

Online Presence:
I showed how the cover would look on sites in which it would appear online to be sold. There are different types of sites in which the book would be sold such as Amazon, an online retailer, Waterstones, a bookstore and Penguin the publisher. I did examples of the search engine pages as well as the information pages so you can see how the cover would work in different scales as well as amongst different information and other covers.


This show a pop up page of the cover for the 'view larger' link

Picture Frame:

I expanded the design to a range of picture frames in keeping with the green colour scheme and silhouette characters. These extend the range on interior design options for children's bedrooms. I did some visual research into decoration of there bedrooms and they usually carry themes of stories or characters (princess) or locations aka the seaside. This gives another option to decorate there room as framed pictures are quite commonly used in the decor.

I used side profiles of two of the main characters in book as the image is clear and simple and stays away from detailed versions which would make a connection with disney directly. Also the silhouette is closely tied in mythology with the origins of art.

 With tinkerbell I tried defining her with a clear outline but felt it became to much like the disney image and resorted back to the silhouette so it still creates nostalgia to the story that the parent generation grew up with but differs slightly from it being pure disney and to it being an actual book.

  I tried the imagery going over the frame and being kept within the frame. I quite liked how they went over and connected directly with another close by frame.

 The idea of all these frames was to place them all together in an array of sizes on a wall to create a scene from the story. Originally the night sky was above the town but I felt that them flying over wasn't truly represented with this arrangement.

 I tried the town underneath with the clouds and moon going onto the frame of them flying. I tried it with the image over the frame and without. I preferred without overall but didn't like how the silhouette of them flying now had random shapes down the bottom. I think it looked visually better as a simple image with a lot of white space as it showed there freedom.

 Therefore I moved the moon and clouds down but then added pixie dust coming from tinkerbells frame to tie in her character and emphasise the quote. This didn't interrupt the simple silhouette and its space and created a connection between the frames. This is the frames in context on a bedroom wall.

 I added more skyline buildings as the sky looked strange hovering by itself.
 This image shows how the frames can be bought individually and arranged in different ways to create all sorts of the same scene. This make it individual to each person purchasing and each child's bedroom different so it is more a special piece of decoration. It also means that it can vary due to budget or room size so that parents can by from one to all the frames and they still work individually or as sets.

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