Sunday 6 January 2013

Design Production: Brand Design Development

I sketched out some ideas I had to propose for the interior aspect which I showed at the previous crit. 
From this I realised I was really concentrating on the interior potential and no the print and web side which is what the brief is asking. I started sketching ideas for what products could be possible and appropriate to the environment and audience. 
 I then came to the conclusion of selecting products with a focus of packaging for print with a mix of items which would be appropriate to the function of the deli ie. food and drink packaging.
I wanted to express a range of food products so chose:
Jar - label and lid
Box - takeaway food
Bread bag - long and square to accommodate different breads
Parchment paper - to cover the foods for take away and a sticker to secure

Takeaway hot drink cup
Tea bag

Accommodating items:
Takeaway bag

As I have done quite a lot of idea generation for interior options I decided to select a few to propose as an extension to the print and web.
Things to possibly propose:
Employ tshirt
Wall features
Sharing platter

My web is going to be limited as my main focus is print so I am going to produce a homepage for the deli restaurant.

From my initial sketches and my now focused items and sketched design ideas with my idea of concentrating on the C of the name.

 I felt I was getting confused on the image I was portraying and didn't feel comfortable with something. I realised that it was my logo design. It wasn't doing what I wanted and I didn't feel it was strong enough to focus on for the design so found myself avoiding using it. I decided to revisit it and play with the same typeface. I realised that the point I was trying to get at with using the C wasn't because I just liked the shape of it but also the fact it was an open counter character which is the concept of the restaurant/deli house. I started using 'the open counter' instead but still with Baskerville.

These were looking more like what I was trying to achieve in my sketching for a clean, simple but professional look. I then carried on designing using this instead.

As i'd like the jam label of the C shape intruding the rectangle shape I tried applying that to the sticker and proceeded to the teabag. I started to see the opportunity this idea had and drew out the cup sleeve and a belly band for the box which I thought looked visually strong, different and stood out. It demonstrated the open counter aspect as it was the space around the letter C that was generating the shape and using the simple look of the new logo.

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