Thursday 24 January 2013

Design Production: Web Design Across Mediums

I recreated the website for the phone so it works across different medias:
I developed the look by going back to promotion material to get a paper texture and a goos simple layout of information
 I then looked at how the video explaining and promoting the event would appear and how it could be spread across networking sites.
 Final visual:
The homepage would appear like this and a play button would fade in which would link to the video.
The video would appear and the user can play and watch what the event is about and how to get involved. The end page would leave them the option to share across numerous networking sites and also a link to the app where you instructed on how to fold a crane out of paper.

On reflection I decided to alter the entering text for sharing. I wanted it to be a square so that it could than become an animation and fold into a crane and zoom out to the image of the video and be in place of a crane in the chains on the image. This would symbolise that they had done there bit for annual peace day for sharing the event with others and making more awareness as well as being more interactive and interesting like the event is to achieve in activating against peace.

This wasn't square enough to be recognised as paper that would be folded up so I changed it

folded crane 
crane in the image

(finals shown on boards)

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