Thursday 17 January 2013

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Progress Crit

Crit boards:

I've produced boards showing the development of my design with the final decisions and then visual research to extend my designs upon.

Crit Results:

Clarity of concept - good
Breadth of ideas - good
Appropriateness of response - excellent
Analysis/Understanding of Audience - very good
Level of innovation/originality - good
Quality/Clarity of Presentation - good

Areas for Improvement: 

- the secret garden book cover doesn't fit in as well, try making the illustrations smaller like the others - try create more of 'scene'
- author type should be consistent in position through all books

Additional Comments:

- one colour works well over the beige
- colours are subtle so work well as a set
- the scenes on covers work the best
- work well for target audience - illustrations are classical as well as appealing for kids

Crit Results:

Clarity of concept - excellent
Breadth of ideas - very good
Appropriateness of response - excellent
Contextual Audience - excellent
Analysis/Understanding of Audience - very good
Level of innovation/originality - good
Quality/Clarity of Presentation - excellent

Areas for Improvement: 

- show first stages of digital developments
- for the audience would adults pick them up to? I would!
- further the products make non-book

Additional Comments:

- related - bookmarks/pillows
- the wind in the willows one stands out as the strongest on our opinion


I agree with the secret garden and plan to change it as it doesn't work as well as the others and could fit better in the series. The author position I did consider when designing so I was glad I got feedback on that and will try to change the designs.

I'm glad they said adults would pick it up as thats part of my audience and that children are still part of the design audience.

I however did show the first stages of my digital design development within the boards but it might not possibly of been made clear in the text.

  1. Has the potential product range been fully exploited?
  2. Has the context of delivery been considered?
  3. Has audience or gender been considered?
  4. How much information is needed?
  5. Number boards
  6. Clarity Presentation/Organisation?

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