Tuesday 8 January 2013

Design Production: Crit Preparation Workshop

3 questions I want to to know:

  1. Does the design connect with the concept of the restaurant?
  2. Does the logo work better than the original in showing the term and looking professional?
  3. Is it hitting the target market of typographic lovers & good quality deli food eaters?
10 general questions from the group:
  1. What is your reaction to the colour scheme?
  2. Are the products chosen tailored to the target audience?
  3. Does the product fit well within the wider environment?
  4. Is the chosen media proposal realistic to the product?
  5. Is the chosen media/product realistic to the appropriate purposes scale?
  6. Is it legible for use?
  7. Does the concept fulfil the brief?
  8. Does the final solution have effective usability for the audience?
  9. Are the proposals of good quality to understand?
  10. Does the product range connect together?
Things we need to bring to the crit:
  1. Mock ups - digital or physical
  2. Blog
  3. Design sheets - initial ideas/sketches
  4. The re-written brief
  5. Design Boards 
  6. Research
  7. Colour scheme options
  8. Development
  9. Feedback questions
  10. Past feedback to see improvement
What things need to be on your blog by tomorrow:

  1. Original and re-written brief
  2. Initial ideas - mock up
  3. Research - what you've been looking at in response
  4. Development
  5. Digital mock ups

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