Thursday 17 January 2013

Design Production: Proposals

I did some digital mock ups of my proposal that I decided upon to make it clear what I was suggesting my restaurant deli to be like.

Uniform front and back

Interior wall decoration:
These are imagery I have made up of fonts to create a wall piece design. The other is the letter 'C' with some information on the typeface as the main point of the design is to focus on the 'c'.

I mocked up the deli end of the restaurant with the front cover and applied the pattern to the wall to bring the branding into context of space.

This is the restaurant end showing the wall design 
The menu using the brown paper and black scheme
This is the front of the restaurant end of the building, using the white
and black colour scheme across the frames of the building

This is the bar of the restaurant with the design and logo across it. 

I wanted to enforce the rustic, organic side of the deli and restaurant by using wood and brick and show how the colour scheme and typographic elements would work in context to parts of the exterior, interior and items.

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