Thursday 25 October 2012

Design Production: Type Workshop - 2

After looking around the groups A4 characteristics of different typefaces I realised that I could of gone into a lot of detail and not stuck to 3 key characteristics he asked for.

We then had to think of 3 words that we felt described the personality of the typeface
From this we had to choose a brand or product that fitted the personality of the typeface
And then one that did not fit the personality

  • Kern one word, not a whole sentence
  • Only do positive kerning
  • The biggest space is the right amount of spacing so you should positive kern the rest of the letters from that 
  • Even amount of space between each
  • Makes it appear trustworthy, balanced, professional

We kerned our first names as fonts on the computer aren't kerned properly. 

  • Theres a difference between looking and reading
We had to arrange one to three backwards in order but make the reader still read it in its correct sequence

I gave one a thicker weight and enlarged its pt size to draw the focus of the eye then descaled the pt size gradually for the following numbers

We then had to do it without altering weight, pt size or case

I did it in a tiered effect from left to right as thats how we culturally are trained

To push this further I then altered the stroke to Italic

Another way I altered the text to get the eye to read in sequence was to rotate the text so the eye goes to what is more familiar

We then went through some interesting ideas of hierarchy about how looking and reading are different things. Initially are eyes are drawn to the middle of the page but then it goes to the top to start reading. If this is altered from what we find 'normal' then the eye goes down to look for familiarity. 

We then had to arrange the numbers in the order one, three, four, two from bottom to top but get it to read in the correct sequence.


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