Wednesday 24 October 2012

Design Production: Design for Web - 3 questions
What is the purpose of this website?
To sell shoe, bags and accessory products and promote the business online
Who is the target audience?
Males interested in exclusive and well made fashion 
What do the target audience need?
Need to be able to view the range of products and purchase
What is the purpose of this website?
Promote a design company
Who is the target audience?
Clients, people looking interested in design
What do the target audience need?
To see a varied display of there work, details of where/how to contact, background history about the company

What is the purpose of this website?
Charitable project encouraging people to be aware about the environment and world around them and to act upon it
I am bit confused the the purpose of this website due to the fact its bilingual but with no option to change the language to english
Who is the target audience?
People interested in looking after the environment, people who need to be made of aware of the problems in the environment
What do the target audience need?
Information in whats going on in the world that we need to be aware of, how to act upon it successfully, how to contact the charity, the charities intentions, the people within the charity, charity history
What is the purpose of this website?
To sell the produce of Tait and promote the business 
Who is the target audience?
Homeowners, people who appreciated modern design of inside and outdoor furniture, possible clients to collaborate with
What do the target audience need?
A display of the products, details such as size, material, colour and price (I couldn't find price), what the company is and who they are, the latest things that the company are working on, how to contact to them
What is the purpose of this website?
Promote a design company
Who is the target audience?
Clients, people interested in design, other creatives wanting to collaborate with
What do the target audience need?
A display of the companies morals/history, previews of there work, ways to contact them

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