Wednesday 24 October 2012

Design Production: Design for Web - 1

5 seconds someone will give on a website to decide wether to go on it or not

Exercise 1:
Shout what comes to your head you see the website homepage

  • black
  • dark
  • dull
  • space
  • empty
  • i like it
Made in Indexhibit
Disadvantage - everyones site looks the same only unique thing is the content

Mistake designers make - the design shouldn't be what makes it look good it should be the content
  • lipstick
  • slow
  • fun
  • bright
  • gifs
Made in Cargo

Different to Indexhibit : Content is immediately there
  • Photo
  • German
  • Google street

(struggled to react with it)
  • boxes
  • neat
  • hipster
  • clean
  • nice
  • retro
  • vintage
  • monotone
  • bright
  • colourful
  • neat
  • circle
  • space
  • photoshop
  • image
  • CD
The questions you must ask yourself:

What is the purpose of this website?
Who is the target audience?
What do the target audience need?

Online portfolio

Should be aimed at your clients not at you and what you like
Find out what they want to see : 
  • go on there website
  • see what work they do
  • ask them
Common aspects in a website:
  • type 
  • image
  • title
  • heading
  • vector images
  • navigation
4 main limitations:

  • the font - commonly known as standard fonts
    • if you use fonts off the computer for money making use you have to pay to use specific fonts 
    • uses fonts that the user has on there computer
    • use a font family to replace fonts if they don't have it
    • web kit - install a font on a website - have to pay a licence fee
  • colour - RBG colour mode
    • variant of RGB - web safe colours
    • hexadecimal code for a colour
  • the size - width and height
    • different size screens
    • standard web sizes to work with
  • resolution - dpi
    • screen based images - 72dpi - because there are on any screen only 72 pixels in every inch
    • not any more - 96dpi modern
    • retina display  - 227dpi
Language of design

HTML - hyer text markup language
URL - uniform resource locator
CSS - cascading style sheets
FTP - file transfer protocol
CMS - content management system/solution (allows them to update it)
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get


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