Thursday 11 October 2012

Design Production: Type Workshop - 1

Type Notes:
  • 1400's - only books were from religions
  • 1450-1500: any one could write a book
  • Revolutions - people challenged those who ruled there lives - could discuss
  • revolution in this age - multi media digital age
  • Anyone can publish and access information
  • People challenging there oppression
  • Photo setting/letter set
  • Most printing is in 3rd world - south east asia
  • Labour cost is most expensive part of process
  • A format paper - universal language in paper
  • Economic factor - fit within folded format of A
Examining Type
  • Weight
  • Point size
  • Case
  • Script
  • Serif/Sans Serif
72pt is a measure of metal the letter sits on
72pt = 1 inch

You are visually talking


Write your first name using a typeface that represents you as a person. 
Abraham Lincoln - it's a serif font which represents the traditional values side of my personality but has modern aspects such as its curvy apperance.
Write your name how you would like other people to see you.
I used a san serif type which has a light weight and my nickname to represent that i'm modern, easy-going and friendly.

Task 1: Compare Lucida Bright to Times New Roman with 3 key characteristics on an A4 pdf.

I thought that I might looker deeper into the typeface than what I found myself to see if theres more to discover.

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