Wednesday 3 October 2012

Design Production: Origami - Promotional Products

I started by writing down what events and products I could produce to promote from my subject, Origami. After a bit of research I decided to do it on the Annual Peace Day in connection with Sadako who i had learnt about from my initial research.
I thought of a few initial ideas in relation to some of the products i had generated in the precious process. There was a lot of ways to be creative with this idea and the three promotional pieces of design i had to create so i sketched a few ideas i thought i would try and see if it possible. I decided i also wanted to continue playing with text and folding paper as i had done originally in my previous graphic representation of Origami.
It really helped drawing out the text before creating it this time and allowed a better made, quality and finish to my text as well as saving time.

I tested my ideas i had thought of and folded a crane for the graphic interpretation of a flyer and played around with what and where i could place text or image.
 I also tried folding the word 'fold' front he alphabet i had tried with in my initial research to see if i could cut squares from a large sheet of paper with still a point of attachment and fold the letters. It wasn't however possible because of the nature of the folding and i realised i had time constraints which wouldn't allow me to really explore how i could change this.
I then tried my other poster idea in which i fold the sheet repeatedly so from different angles you saw two different aspects. I folded them flat to sketch across them and then stretched it out to work out how i would digitally layout the poster.

From this i realised portrait was to slim once it had folds in it so tried landscape which worked a lot better.

I sketched a few designs to use for the promotional material as i had to create a flyer as well as another graphic product.

I decided to place the date and name information in the corners as this was an area which they could be together and be easy to read instead of between two folds.

I had realised at this point that i had been working on an A format art board and changed it to square to coincide with Origami folding.

The poster once clipped and layout in order

For the flyer i decided that instead of placing text on the wings i wanted to cover the crane entirely with basic information that expressed what it was about and instruct the audience to open it allowing them to engage and interact with the design. This was a better idea than trying to cram different info and ideas onto the wings which might not of actually communicated a lot without further knowledge.

Inside the flyer:

I wanted to keep it simple and to the point but also give a slight part of the idea to intrigue and lead them to more information.

Mock up of poster flat and folded alongside flyer outside/inside and folded into a crane next to crane charity badge.
Charity badge
Final prints for crits:

1 comment:

  1. Its an unique idea but i prefer using any origami other than animal's origami.Nice post.
    Promotional products
