Thursday 29 November 2012

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Crit

Childhood Classics I sourced Categorised:


  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Oliver Twist
  • Jungle Book
  • Treasure Island
  • Wind in the Willows
  • Peter Rabbit
  • Secret Garden
  • Railway Children
  • Velveteen Rabbit
  • Magic Faraway Tree
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Peter Pan
  • Famous Five
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Milly Molly Mandy
  • BFG
  • Charlottes Web
  • Mr Men
  • Hungry Caterpillar
  • Borrowers
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • Narnia
  • George Marvellous Medicine
  • Matilda
  • Worst Witch
  • Cat in the Hat


  • Modern take on books 
    • type
    • pattern
    • imagery
    • format
  • Kept in a sleeve or a box as a collection
  • Interact with now generation of children and parents
  • Add to collection as grow up - encourage reading
  • Transferable to digital ebooks
  • Keep sake limited edition series of childhood classics
  • Different age ranges of reading
  • Stimulate there development
  • Becomes part of childhood 
      • playground games
      • stickers
      • collectibles
Boards for crit -


Clarity of concept - good
Breadth of ideas - good
Appropriateness of response - very good
Contextual Awareness - very good
Analysis/Understanding of Audience - very good
Level of Innovation/Originality - good
Quality/Clarity of Presentation - good

Areas for Improvement:
Make a decision of what kind of style you are going to adopt for the covers. 
Think about combination of type and image - just get some designs going.
Addressed the idea of being digital - keep this in mind throughout. 
Revisit the idea of who will be reading it - parents or children?

Clarity of concept - average
Breadth of ideas - good
Appropriateness of response - very good
Contextual Awareness - good/very good
Analysis/Understanding of Audience - very good
Level of Innovation/Originality - average
Quality/Clarity of Presentation - good

Areas for Improvement:
Research more into the history behind the books. You already seem to have an understanding of the history (dates) but think about context, how you could bring context to the book cover in a concise way
A very modern design would fail to bring nostalgia/evoke memories within parents who are buying the books for there children, consider how you can appeal to this older generation as well as young generation

Activities -


History of the story
Where is it based?
Existing modern - what does and doesn't work when reinvented
Ebooks - colour/different covers?
Global aspect


Draw some visuals 
Screen print foiling


Point of Sale
Consider the format

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