Tuesday 27 November 2012

Design Production: Design for Web - Crit Feedback


  • Red and white is very war like
  • We like how you have made charitable websites more aesthetically pleasing
  • Good colour scheme
  • Planning is key and your on your way
  • Good effective market to target because of the all the poo'er peace websites
  • Relevant colour scheme red - awareness, danger etc.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Annual Peace Day should be much more clear (think of 5 second rule)
  • When talking about the count down we think it should be a direct count down 
  • (4months, 13 days, 9 hours)
  • This would make the count down more understandable to the viewer
  • Should of put most the figures in bold as they're lost against the boldness of the date


  • Are you going to make a Facebook/twitter page?
  • Very good idea would be great with Facebook page!
  • How would the chapters be displayed? In the same layout?

I think it would be good if on the contact page it linked to the different social networks that were own pages for the charity event as well as on the bottom of the pages in the footer. Also this made me think of creating an app feature where people had the template instructions to create a crane. Making it a viral campaign - eg. adverts on facebook page, around youtube videos etc.

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