Wednesday 21 November 2012

Design Production: Website Design 3

Text within the column area
<p> is for new paragraph
Adding space around content within column so they don't touch is padding
If it's 10px padding then you have to take 20px off the width and height

Work out the image size for the thumbnail view within the column 

Then alter style to fixed size and change size

 Using the box select the area of the image you want to show as a thumbnail
Save as JPEG 40 quality thumbnail 1
Then save the original image at the size you want to see it in full in 72 dpi as JEPG 40 quality

 Functionality goes into template between <head> </head>

 Paste in Index

It brings up image#1 hyperlink in blue text 
Highlight the text then insert image and pick the thumbnail image
Then delete the text
Check the coding of the image falls between <a> </a> code so it links to the larger image

Thumbnail view

Repeat for the other images and change the file name of the thumbnail image and large image
To make them a group create a group by adding [dogs] after lightbox
This link them together

 Group lightbox view now with icons

This is for your own videos
Applet is for quicktime
Plugin for anything else

Better to upload in vimeo first as it hosts it and won't use your bandwidth, will stream it and upload immediately 

Alternative to your own audio is soundcloud

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