Monday 19 November 2012

Design Production: Design Decisions

After completing the digitalised version of my design publication with the content. I had to look at were the tracing paper fell within the book. From this I discovered that pages of content where on the opposite to the chapter pages which I did not want. In order to fix this I have to move content around and add pages to ensure that the tracing paper will not overlay information when printed. 

This took some working out of great proportions and I also realised that for my chosen format I needed to split it into two halves.

My manual format design:
I decided to draw out my final decision so I could see it and get an idea of the different things I need to decision and consider. I drew out a few ideas of the belly band and how it could work with the front cover. The cover will be black matte coated stock with a matt spot varnish in the form of a registration mark. The belly band will be matte coated stock again with elements having gloss spot varnish.

Content for my print form notebook and the design for the stock swatch. I want the different elements to be part of set so I will make the same stock and finish decisions in these different formats.

Laying out designs for different pages for extra content.

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