Wednesday 1 February 2012

100 things.. Graphic products

From my research i thought of a few graphic products which would be appropriate for this campaign:

  1. Takeaway cups
  2. Food Wrapping
  3. Napkins
  4. Posters in bus stops/train stations
  5. Billboards
  6. On trains/buses
  7. Posters inside buses/trains
  8. Carry bags of fast food
  9. Window display stickers
For my campaign i think the most appropriate and ones i have chosen to focus on our takeaway cups as they can contain the peel off voucher and posters to go in the stations to advertise which could contain more info and details as well as prompt participation. I like the idea of doing napkins and having the logo of the brand on the front fold and it opening out revealing the beginning of a novel leading the customer to go buy it.   This i feel would be a good expansion of the campaign but due to  printing restrictions wouldn't be possible this time.

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