Thursday 23 February 2012

Design is about doing: Design Development

I started working with my ideas on illustrator to see how they would work
bond outline combined with umbrella

filled in

i added the common swirled circle bond is often featured in

i added the black background to create my base

to creat more of an illusion i wider the lines

i experimented adding different textures

i then added a grey box multiplied on top to give a better shade

playing with opacity

i changed the opacity of the black as well so it also appeared textured

i made the lines appear 3D by extruding them

i started adding the text messing around trying to get the right look

i attempted at making the text appear 3D by extruding them

adding a drop shadow

playing with size

after looking at james bond poster for the recent film i played with gradient

for the small text i explored with making the word rain stand out in Britain 

i realised i wasn't happy with the text as Helvetica so i looked at different fonts to see if i could find anything better

ones that stood out for me are starred
i then used these typefaces with the effect i had previously made and played with multiplying them or leaving them solid

this one i think works really well but needs to be resized

i looked at taking away layers i had previously added

i quite like this one without the texture
i played around with the text to make it more interesting 

visually i think this is better

i played around with the textures again because i wasn't completely sure how it looked

i saw that the & sign had two counts in it, this led to the thought of transforming them into raindrop shapes so i initially started by trying to change the original anchor points

i took them out to see what i looked like without any counters

i made a raindrop shape and layered it on top 

i then used this shape to create two counters

i tried to make this blend with the text which had a drop shadow by adding one to the counters, this made it looked like it was on top of the symbol instead of part of it

instead i added an inner glow which is more subtle 

i saw that the & symbol also had a space between the two flicks that could be made to look like a raindrop so i played around with that

this looked to much with the counters

what it looks like without the counters
i prefer just the counters than this
i changed the size of the bottom counter as i felt it was out of proportion
the sublime doesn't stand out enough and hasn't got much legibility 

i experimented with different colours but it don't do anything decent so i added a drop shadow and tried more

this made it stand out more

i then multiplied it which i thought looked better as it was softer

i then i tried at making the word rain stand out
the text didn't stand out enough dark so i lightened the shade

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