Thursday 23 February 2012

Design is about doing: Design Development

Poster 2: I used the same kind of design in the first poster so they work well as a series

i struggled to make the raindrop counters blend in with the '&' symbol with the drop shadow but through playing gradient i managed to make it look better 

changing the size of bond

Poster 3:
different text and changing opacity

changing position of text

making text align the same changing kerning

adding a sublime and drop shadow, make text lift out

altering size of bond silhouette and multiplying it changing opacity

editing fill and line

making the word rain stand out
repositioning the silhouette
I moved the raindrop coma away abit as the spacing was unproportioned and added a drop shadow to make it fit the text
Added a drop shadow to the figure

i prefer the figure without a drop shadow

Poster 4:

adding a shadow underneath

adding an under scroll to add hierarchy
change position and pt

adding a drop shadow

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