Tuesday 31 January 2012

100 things.. New direction

From my current idea of educating people about costs involved in brands my focus has changed with branding and i've started to look at merging of brands for the good rather than how people pay more for them. I've looked into the brand Penguin books in particular and was very interested in there design and company history as they were revolutionary in spreading and encouraging reading. This made me think about how people don't tend to read that often these days and if they do it's off a piece of technology such as an ipad or kindle. This will soon destroy the industry of books and books are amazing things. Therefore i've decided for this brief i'm going to use my knowledge of branding from my research to do a campaign to encourage reading combining famous company Penguin, who initiated it originally, and well known brands who could help using there products and service such as coffee houses, bookstores and food chains as these are places people could read.

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