Monday 6 February 2012

100 things.. Voucher cards

I realised there was a flaw in having the voucher on the takeaway cup because some people decide to sit in and drink there drink and that would be more appropriate as the campaign is encouraging people to sit and read a book therefore i decided to make a voucher card for those who stay in. 
A few initial ideas

I measure the typical voucher cards given to you which are wallet size. It came to 84mm by 53mm.

i added the paper texture for the background as the slogan is go back to paperback
i tried to create a page turn to encourage the customer to turn over the card and also in relation to books

none seem to look right free hand so i got an image off google as a basis
i tired fill and stroke to see what would make it look like a page turn

neither worked to well so i put an under layer to look like it was revealing the logo

adding a gradient and trying different levels to give it shadow

it still didn't work because i realised the logo didn't bend like the page was so i got rid of it

this looked better but i liked the idea of it revealing the logo so i tried again to make it fit

adding a line it defined between that page back and new layer underneath

i put a new shape and used the pattern as a fill to get it appearing underneath

i multiplied it so it blended and changed the opacity


i prefer the opacity in the middle so decided to go back to that for the finish front finish, now the back!

using the same font i put in the basic text and penguin logo from the poster aligned the text centre besides the top line, and made them line up to the left. To create hierarchy for the eye i put the percentage of discount in a much larger pt. I changed the kerning on the percentage as it was originally to separated and also the three lines underneath so they were all the same length.

to add to this i made the word 'thanks' regular instead of light and changed the kerning on the rest of the line so thanks appeared more spacious and elaborated

now the logo! i thought it looked a bit boring just placed there so rescaled it different ways to go off the edges but first I'm going to get rid of the text as it's already on the front and makes the back look to busy and full of type
i tried to use the penguins beak to direct the eye towards to text so customers would read it

i looked at adding the pattern to the belly of the penguin and this lead to multiplying the whole penguin and lowering its opacity

i thought about how i could make the eye lead to the text without the beak pointing directly at it and this lead me to just moving the eye towards it, this adds a little humour to it i think by altering the penguin logo for the first time in the campaign and creating a simple but rather effective hierarchy.

i decided to lower it so it looks at the discount as if the penguin is interesting in the discount he's giving to the customer

by making the opacity higher than the rest of the penguin this again adds comical effect because its as if the penguin is shocked at how good the discount is and also creates even more hierarchy.

i then made a new pattern swatch which was made up of the logo but smaller so it appeared more as a pattern

i added the word 'enjoy' at the end to enforce the mood and emotion of the advantage of having a discount and lifted the whole text up slightly to make it more even spaced top and bottom. This led me to rotate the eye of the penguin slightly so it was looking at the discount properly.
For final touches i put in the voucher code along the right hand side to not obstruct the visual and so that the scale of effectiveness of the campaign could be measured by the company.
the finished back!

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