Wednesday 1 February 2012

100 things.. poster development

I thought the logo was very open to change with the different coloured themes so changed certain parts to the brand colours. These would be good for a set of posters one specific for each brand to do with the campaign.

i liked using the logos as a pattern for the poster and therefore decided to make a pattern for each one individually, i think visually they could for the majority, especially the circled logos. 

creating a pattern out of the logo

using the coloured penguins in poster form against the pattern

i think this one works best because it's subtle and not to much of the brand all over the poster, it's only slightly altering the penguin logo to connect with the other brand

I placed the slogan 'GO vintage & GO back to paperback' in the centre of the penguins belly and explored aligning it in different ways
this one wasn't quite right but i felt i was close so moved the bottom part up to the rest and aligned them all centrally, i think this works best because your follows the text down keeping your focus with the big 'and' sign.

i added the text in a bar across the bottom with the details of the campaign
i then added the logos of whsmith and waterstones as they would be sponsors of the campaign selling the books

i thought i'd experiment with the pattern more
i changed the boxes to match and added a separation line

altering the opacity from 100% to 50%

changing the background tone and opacity

thickening the separation bar

changing the background colour to green

changing the neck to white
adding a stroke to the penguin

thickening the stroke

blending the penguin body sections into the background

blending the neck and eye into the pattern and keeping the outline and belly

blending all parts of the penguin except stomach

this i felt looked to christmassy so i changed the background back

i put the outline of the eye back to see if it would make it look clearer as the logo of the penguin books but it didn't and wasn't very visible
i'm worried that without the eye it won't look like the penguin book logo so i added the eye to see how that looked

I think this portrays the logo better and my final two styles of posters will be :

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