Wednesday 1 February 2012

100 things.. development

I played around using the brands as a pattern, exploring with using different layers and opacities to create the penguin logo.

I like the atheistic quality of the last three however i'm not sure wether i like the white parts of the penguin being the same colour as the backdrop and possibly prefer it white

test it in white:
i think this works better than the one above as its more clear and i think your eyes feels funny when looking at the other one maybe because its not focussed enough and the sections become to blurred and unclear or it could be that using the same colour as the background in solid form doesn't work with the different opacity patterns whereas white creates a new focus creating some kind of separation.

i created the other coffee company cup rough initial design matching its logo

i altered the colour of mcdonalds as it wasn't the correct shade of red

I decided to think of the contents of the back and the text that would give some details on why the cups were newly designed

i like the touch of the small colour dash like used on the front covers separating the book title and author
i think it works well separating the point and the instructions for the voucher
this would then change with all the companies e.g. starbucks one would be green:

i played around adding more of the colour dashes to the text to create a form of hierarchy

although i think the dashes look good under 'go' i think they already have a form of hierarchy that draw the eye in being bolder than the rest of the text and therefore it might not be necessary to have them

i altered the cup covers wording slightly to make it less specific then a particular beverage such as milkshake so the same cup design can be used across all there drinks

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