Monday 16 January 2012

100 things.. Ideas

After categorising my research into different sections i decided to research more into certain areas which then lead me deeper and further in parts which i found very interesting. Below you can see a few initial rough ideas i got when looking into my topic that i jotted down. We then got asked to fill out the sheet with our statement on what direction we were going in and ten graphic products which would be suitable in relation to our topic.
I then drew up 5 design sheets with some rough ideas to get a visual of all the text i'd been looking at

I got really confused as to what my idea when doing this as i felt i had a few different ideas and i was unclear as to what i was really doing, trying to do all of them in one. This led me to separate from my idea a little and think about just manipulating brands instead of stating about colour psychology as i couldn't work out a purpose or audience.

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