Thursday 26 January 2012

Evaluation, Focus, Develop-100 things


  • people overpaying for brands
  • branding
  • need to deepen my research into the pricing of brands and difference
  • primary and secondary research of a vase amount 
  • i have visuals of the brand logos to work from
  • there probably could be more initial ideas drawn up by now
  • difficulty juggling the all the briefs, prioritise better
  • one week left until deadline
  • a set or series of poster designs
  • using crits and brainstorms to progress my idea, eliminating ones that won't work
  • manipulating brands in different ways
  • that effectively you buy the same thing for a lot more money
  • mainly adults who buy into brand names
  • that people pay a lot more for a symbol on something
  • by teaching them the difference in money and switching around brands
  • need to source prices of different items, find out who and what people are buying into
  • inform people

  • I've moved on from my initial starting point as originally i was focusing on colour psychology and how its used to manipulate you, i changed from this because it was unclear as to what my purpose was and how i could do it
  • notes, blogging, design sheets

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