Sunday 13 November 2011

Proverbially Yours// Message and Delivery

Using the templates i sourced from the book in my research and created mock-ups to see in 3D how they'd fold and work.

Some of them i think would really work well with some of my potential ideas and decide to develop my design using these nets.
Originally roughly sketched onto nets:

Illustrated mock ups using templates and chosen font produced for the crit:

net in use:

 different ways to fold out a long strip: 

Crit - issues raised:
 questions to ask in the final crit:
I found the mid brief crit very useful and my group was very positive about my idea so far as well as the nets i'd chose for the two different ideas.
It was agreed that i go with the long fold out idea with the various costumes rather than the overlapping fold out of 'fat' santa and 'hot' santa as it communicated my message more clearly.
From the crit and the issues raised i thought about considering the packaging as it had to be possible to mass produce and be practical. I also have to consider the stock i will be using as the fold out will need to be folded several times yet still fit in the outer packaging.
From this i decided to get rid of the envelope as although i wanted it to be like receiving a christmas card and like the idea of a wax seal it wasn't practical having three parts to the mail shot as it would be expensive to mass produce and unnecessary extra material.

Using the size given on the brief (11cm by 16cm) i made the fold out of 21 rectangles and looked at two ways the templates in the book i used as researched demonstrated to fold them.

folded in: (proverb on front)

(first silhouette of santa)

i then looked and combined the two:

I decided that this scale for the insert fold out sheet was way to big in scale but i liked the fold of the zigzag as it allowed the paper to fold easier without the curving seen in the other two techniques. This lead me to make a mock up of the outer packaging in the mail shot brief size and work out an appropriate scale for my fold out insert.

 how the paper would be open:

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