Monday 14 November 2011

Proverbially Yours// Message and Delivery

Using two images i found off google images i altered my mailing list by adding a red ribboned bow across the corner as i thought the mailing list was a bit plain before. I feel it now connects more with my mail shot.
image 1

image 2
silhouette of images 
ribbon 1

ribbon 2
 I decided that ribbon 1 looked more like a bow and therefore decided to use that one as it didn't need a white outline.
I moved the header up into the bow and changed the text to nice/naughty instead of good and bad as its more traditionally known this way 
i descaled the holly in the bottom right as it didn't show the berries when on top of the ribbon

i moved the underling of naughty to line up with the underling of nice 
i decided to get rid of the holly in the bottom right as it looked to busy and signed it from santa instead which i feel fills the space accurately and isn't to fussy.

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